Brow Lift
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Atlanta and Duluth, GA

Brow lift Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia offered by a Board Certified plastic Surgeon. Information about Brow lift Surgery, Upper and Lower Eyelid Procedures and more.
The most obvious signs of age can often be seen in the area just above the eyes. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and vertical lines between the eyes can create a fatigued, angry, or sad appearance. At Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, brow lift in Atlanta is the procedure of choice for people wishing to eliminate these obvious signs of age.
During a traditional brow lift (also known as a forehead lift), Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi makes an incision around the hairline and then removes excess skin and fat from the forehead. The eyebrows are also slightly repositioned during the procedure. The incision is then closed and patients are given post-operative instructions.
A brow lift surgery is a procedure that restores a more youthful, refreshed look to the area above the eyes. The procedure corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines and furrows that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired.
Before and After Photos
In a brow lift procedure, the muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. Dr. Davoudi may use the conventional surgical method, in which the incision is hidden just behind the hairline; or it may be performed with the use of an endoscope, a viewing instrument that allows the procedure to be performed with minimal incisions. Both techniques yield similar results — smoother forehead skin and a more animated appearance.
If you’re considering brow lift surgery, this brochure will provide a basic understanding of the procedure. When it can help, how it’s performed and what results you can expect. It won’t answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on your individual circumstances. Be sure to ask your doctor if there is anything you don’t understand about the procedure.
A brow lift in Atlanta is most commonly performed in the 40-60 age range to minimize the visible effects of aging. However, it can also help people of any age who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity. Individuals with inherited conditions, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose can achieve a more alert and refreshed look with this procedure.
Brow lift Surgery is often performed in conjunction with a facelift to provide a smoother overall look to the face. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may also be performed at the same time as a forehead lift, especially if a patient has significant skin overhang in the upper eyelids. Sometimes, patients who believe they need upper-eyelid surgery find that a forehead lift better meets their surgical goals.
Patients who are bald, who have a receding hairline, or who have had previous upper-eyelid surgery may still be good candidates for brow lift surgery. Dr. Davoudi will simply alter the incision location or perform a more conservative operation.
Remember, a forehead lift procedure can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them in detail with your doctor.
For a better understanding of how a forehead lift procedure might change your appearance, look into a mirror and place the palms of your hands at the outer edges of your eyes, above your eyebrows. Gently draw the skin up to raise the brow and the forehead area. That is approximately what a brow lift procedure would do for you.
During your consultation, Dr. Davoudi will discuss your goals for the surgery and ask you about certain medical conditions that could cause problems during or after the procedure, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or the tendency to develop large scars. Be sure to tell Dr. Davoudi if you have had previous facial surgery, if you smoke, or if you take any drugs or medications — including aspirin or other drugs that affect clotting.
If you decide to proceed with a forehead lift, Dr. Davoudi will explain the surgical technique, the recommended type of anesthesia, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, the risks and the costs involved. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you may have, especially those regarding your expectations and concerns about the results of surgery.
If your hair is very short, you may wish to let it grow out before surgery, so that it’s long enough to hide the scars while they heal.
The classic brow lift in Atlanta: Before the operation begins, your hair will be tied with rubber bands on either side of the incision line. Your head will not be shaved, but hair that is growing directly in front of the incision line may need to be trimmed.
For most patients, a coronal incision will be used. It follows a headphone-like pattern, starting at about ear level and running across the top of the forehead and down the other side of the head. The incision is usually made well behind the hairline so that the scar won’t be visible.
If your hairline is high or receding, the incision may be placed just at the hairline, to avoid adding even more height to the forehead. In patients who are bald or losing hair, a mid-scalp incision that follows the natural pattern of the skull bones is sometimes recommended. By wearing your hair down on your forehead, most such scars become relatively inconspicuous. Special planning is sometimes necessary for concealing the scar in male patients, whose hairstyles often don’t lend themselves as well to incision coverage.
If you are bald or have thinning hair, Dr. Davoudi may recommend a mid-scalp incision so the resulting scar follows the natural junction of two bones in your skull and is less conspicuous.
Working through the incision, the skin of the forehead is carefully lifted so that the underlying tissue can be removed and the muscles of the forehead can be altered or released. The eyebrows may also be elevated and excess skin at the incision point will be trimmed away to help create a smoother, more youthful appearance.
The incision is then closed with stitches or clips. Your face and hair will be washed to prevent irritation and the rubber bands will be removed from your hair.
Brow lift Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia offered by a Board Certified plastic Surgeon. Information about Brow lift Surgery, Upper and Lower Eyelid Procedures and more.