Facial Surgery
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Atlanta and Duluth, GA

As Georgia’s first choice for facelift surgery and facial enhancement procedures, our facility has helped countless residents throughout Atlanta and Roswell improve their appearance and look and feel their absolute best. Whether you want to improve the appearance of your nose with rhinoplasty or reduce the signs of aging with a facelift, Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi and the staff at Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery can help. Dr. Davoudi’s expertise in the field of cosmetic surgery is in great demand as both a medical professional and a teacher. He was Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Tennessee in Memphis and has received numerous awards for outstanding achievements in the field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Davoudi’s dedication, approachable manner and extensive knowledge in the field of plastic surgery has made our practice the preferred choice for facial rejuvenation procedures.
Face the world with a refreshed, glowing new look.
Facelift Surgery
At our Georgia office, facelift surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure because of its flexibility and effectiveness. If you have wrinkles or loose and sagging facial skin, a facelift procedure may be the perfect solution for you. The facelift surgery procedure rejuvenates and refreshes the face and can take years from your age. In fact, some of our patients have been told they look 10 to 15 years younger!
Depending on your individual needs, at our Georgia facility, a facelift procedure is usually completed within two to five hours. During a traditional facelift surgery procedure, an incision is made along the hairline and the ear. The doctor then manipulates, adjusts and lifts the skin and removes excess fat.
With the rapid advances being made in cosmetic surgery, many variations to the facelift procedure have emerged. After a thorough examination and consultation at our Georgia office, several facelift techniques will be discussed and Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi will determine which method will work best for you. Continue reading about facelift surgery in Atlanta GA
Rhinoplasty Surgery – Nose Job Surgery
For most people, the nose is the most prominent feature on the face, so it’s no wonder that surgery to change the shape of the nose, known as rhinoplasty, is one of the most popular at our Atlanta-area practice. Rhinoplasty surgery can be used to decrease or increase the length or width of the nose, or to change the shape or angle of the tip or bridge. It can also be used to straighten or enlarge malformed nasal passages that restrict breathing.
To perform rhinoplasty at our Atlanta-area center, Dr. Davoudi begins by making incisions either inside the nose or in the skin between the nostrils, so that there is little of no visible scarring. The skin is gently lifted away from the cartilage which supports the nose, so that it can be sculpted into a shape that is more in harmony with the general contours of the face. If the cartilage in the center of the nose is inhibiting airflow, it will be corrected.
After the incision is closed, a splint will be applied to protect the nose during the healing process. Since each patient’s recovery process is different, Dr. Davoudi will discuss the details, but full recovery generally takes about two weeks. Continue reading about rhinoplasty
Brow Lift Surgery
The most obvious signs of age can often be seen in the area just above the eyes. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and vertical lines between the eyes can create a fatigued, angry, or sad appearance. At Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, brow lift surgery is the procedure of choice for people wishing to eliminate these obvious signs of age.
During a traditional brow lift (also known as a forehead lift), Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi makes an incision around the hairline and then removes excess skin and fat from the forehead. The eyebrows are also slightly repositioned during the procedure. The incision is then closed and patients are given post-operative instructions. Congtinue reading about browlift surgery
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Excess skin and fat around the eyelid area can negatively affect your appearance and, in extreme cases, impair vision. Removing excess fat and skin from the upper and lower eyelid area can create a more youthful and refreshed appearance. During the surgery, an incision is made in the crease of the eyelid and excess skin and fat are removed. Patients can elect to have a complete eyelid surgery or either an upper or lower eyelid procedure. An upper eyelid procedure is usually used for people who have drooping skin over the eyes. A lower eyelid surgery is commonly used to remove puffiness under the eyes (“bags”). Continue reading about eyelid surgery in Atlanta.
Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
Ear surgery (otoplasty) is performed on both adults and children to improve the appearance of the ears. Prominent ears, abnormally shaped ears or ears that are too small can have a profoundly negative effect on self-confidence. Children who endure teasing can benefit the most from this procedure.
Several approaches can be taken to otoplasty surgery, depending on the nature of the problem. Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi will speak with you about your surgical options and determine the best technique for you. Continue reading about ear surgery.