Conveniently located to serve the areas of Atlanta and Duluth, GA

Body Contouring in Atlanta Georgia offered by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Information about Liposuction, Tummy Tucks, Thigh Lifts and more. Our Atlanta area practice offers liposuction, abdominoplasty and a wide array of additional body contouring procedures to improve the appearance of the figure. Under the direction of Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi, our facility offers state-of-the-art care in an environment that is warm, relaxing and friendly. Many of our Atlanta area patients combine procedures, such as abdominoplasty and liposuction, to obtain maximum results.
If you are interested in improving your appearance with cosmetic surgery, contact cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi in the Atlanta area to schedule a consultation.
About Body Contouring
If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight and have excess, loose skin, body contouring may be the perfect solution. Body contouring procedures improves the shape or contour of the body using a variety of cosmetic surgery procedures. Liposuction is, by far, the most common procedure used in body contouring; however, a variety of techniques and procedures can be used to sculpt and shape the body such as abdominoplasty, breast lift and thigh lift.
Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a “tummy tuck”, is a procedure that tightens the stomach muscles and removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal region. Abdominoplasty surgery can also help to eliminate stretch marks. Our Atlanta area abdominoplasty team has produced some of the most amazing results with this procedure.
The length of the surgery is dependent upon the extent of the procedure. Our Atlanta area office can complete most abdominoplasty surgeries within two to four hours. In complete abdominoplasty an incision is made from hipbone to hipbone, the underlying muscles are tightened and the skin is pulled down and excess skin is removed. If necessary, the belly button is repositioned. A partial or mini-abdominoplasty is also an option for patients who want a less extensive procedure.
Abdominoplasty surgery is not used as a means to weight loss. Individuals in the Atlanta area considering abdominoplasty should be individuals in good health who simply want to address stubborn fatty pockets in the abdominal region.
Abdominoplasty is considered major surgery and Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi devotes a considerable amount of time to patient education and communication to ensure that his patients are fully informed about their procedures. Continue reading about tummy tuck surgery
Contact cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi if you are in the Atlanta area and considering abdominoplasty.
Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi and his expert Atlanta area staff have performed numerous successful liposuction procedures. Only a board certified, experienced doctor such as Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi should perform liposuction surgery. You should never allow an inexperienced, unqualified individual to perform your liposuction procedure.
At our Atlanta area office several liposuction techniques are available. In traditional liposuction a suctioning tube called a cannula is inserted into the body fat through a small incision. The cannula breaks down fat cells and suctions fat from the body.
A successful liposuction procedure produces a smoother, more sculpted body. The procedure is ideal for sculpting the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, chest, back and legs.
Liposuction is best performed on patients who have stubborn fatty pockets but are otherwise in good health. Liposuction should not be used as a method for weight loss. Continue reading about liposuction.
To learn more about our Atlanta area office and liposuction, contact cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi’s practice.
Thigh Lift
The skin does not always fully conform to the body’s new shape following significant weight loss. The skin may lose elasticity and begin to sag. One of the areas of the body most affected by this problem is the thigh area.

Thanks to thigh lift (thighplasty), a highly effective cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the thighs, a solution is available. Thigh lift can dramatically improve the thigh area, as well as enhance the overall appearance of the figure.
After working hard to lose a significant amount of weight, developing a secondary problem such as excess, sagging skin can be very frustrating. Continue reading about thigh lift surgery
Schedule an appointment with Atlanta cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi to learn how thigh lift can help you feel good about your appearance again.
Arm Lift
Arm lift (also known as brachioplasty) is a procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arm. The goal of the surgery is to obtain a more toned, defined arm.
Liposuction may be used in conjunction with brachioplasty to further enhance results. Incisions are usually made on the inside of the arm in an inconspicuous area. Depending on the extent of the surgery, some arm lift procedures can be accomplished by making a small incision in the armpit area. Most people can return to work one to two weeks following arm lift surgery with minimal restrictions. Continue reading about arm lift surgery
Contact Atlanta cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi to learn more about body enhancement procedures such as arm lift at our Atlanta area office.